PodChats for FutureCISO: 2024 AI-powered cyberthreats – a Board perspective

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 4

In the report, The Emergence of Offensive AI, Forrester revealed that 80% of cybersecurity decision-makers expected AI to increase the scale and speed of attacks and that 66% expected AI to "conduct attacks that no human could conceive of."

When asked to identify which risks they are most concerned about when weaponized AI becomes mainstream, 75% cited system/business interruption while 74% pointed to IP or data theft.

Here to share with us the findings of the Cybersecurity: 2023 Board Perspective report, is Yvette Leijins, Resident CISO for Asia Pacific and Japan, Proofpoint.

1.       We are coming into the first-year anniversary of the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. Only months ago, business leaders, even political leaders, are praising the arrival of generative AI or ChatGPT. Why the near-sudden change in tone? 

2.       If GenAI is deemed so risky by the Board, why are 70% of organisations surveyed by Gartner exploring GenAI innovations?

3.       Despite 97% of boards believing cybersecurity budgets will increase, why has this still not translated to preparedness? 

a.       Are organisations spending these budgets correctly on security awareness or is there an overreliance on cyber insurance?

4.       Supply chain attacks – such as the MOVEit incident – are projected to cost businesses almost $46 billion by the end of 2023, yet only 26% of boards view this as a concern. Why are boards still complacent, and what can they do to shore up defences?

5.       When Uber’s former chief security officer was found guilty and sentenced to probation for his role in covering up a 2022 data breach, personal liability became a top concern for boards and CISOs. How far should personal liability extend, and what do CISOs need to consider when having these conversations with boards?

6.       Rounding out our PodChats, what are your expectations for 2024?