PodChats for FutureCISO: Getting started as a security researcher

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 3

According to Check Point Research, global attacks increased by 28%in the third quarter of 2022 compared to same period in 2021. The average weekly attacks per organization worldwide reached over 1,130.

Complicating the situation is the talent shortage, especially for experienced cybersecurity professionals. According to the 2022 Cybersecurity Workforce Study by ISC(2) there is a shortfall of 2.2 million cybersecurity workers in Asia Pacific. This means that the current 859,000 security professionals are likely stressed and burnout at their place of work. 

It can also be argued that CIOs, CISOs and CHROs are themselves frustrated as they look to fill in missing posts while stressed at trying to keep existing staff from leaving.

In today’s PodChat for FutureCISO, we are joined by Anastasia Tikhonova, Head of APT Research, Group-IB, to shed light on what it takes and means to become a security researcher or getting started as a security researcher. 

1.                   With you as our guest expert, I’m sure our audience it will find our session today most interesting. For starters, what is a Security Researcher?

2.                   What qualities, characteristics and perhaps credentials does one need to become a security researcher?

3.                   How do you avoid burnout?

4.                   For best results, how should CISOs and security teams work with a Researcher?

5.                   When does it make sense to build your own “Research” team or when to outsource?

6.                   What is your advice for those interested in a career as a security researcher?