PodChats for FutureCIO: Disrupting the foundations of business models and operations

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 4

Change is the new normal. Disruption is a natural state anywhere in the world today. How should established organisations address these new conditions, discover new opportunities in the new normal, and transform to lead the shift?

Business model transformation focuses on changing the way a company creates, delivers and captures value.

In this PodChats for FutureCIO, Ying Shaowei, chief scientist at NCS, shares his views on disrupting the foundations of business models and operations.

1.       It is my opinion that some of the new technologies we are seeing today are not designed with the current business model in mind. While some of the solutions have pre-defined problems they want to solve, getting from concept to production is fraught with risk. How can leaders minimise risks and wastage (of effort, resources and time)?

2.       What is the role of governance in the business model of the future? 

3.       Can innovation and governance evolve together as the business model takes shape?

4.       What is the role of leadership in business model innovation?

5.       There are leaders who think first-mover advantage is a do-or-die objective. When does first-mover make sense? 

6.       What is more important as a metric for business success (in the context of innovation)?

7.       Coming into 2024, what advice would you offer to leaders dealing with the challenges of adapting to evolving business models and operations?