PodChats for FutureIoT: Mitigating OT/IoT cyber risks
The 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report claims that IoT malware globally was up 37%, resulting in 77.9 million attacks compared to the 57 million attacks during the same period in 2022. The IoT malware attack volume in Asia rose to 23 million, up 130%.
The Nokia 20203 Threat Intelligence Report claims that 60% of attacks against telecom mobile networks are linked to IoT bots scanning for vulnerable hosts for use in distributed denial of service attacks.
Steve Scheurmann, regional vice president for ASEAN at Palo Alto Networks joins us today to help us understand how organisations can better mitigate against these escalating OT/IoT cyber risks.
Many say the weakest link is humans. I'd argue that it's these IoT devices that have been quietly sitting in the business perimeter.
1. What is the impact of unmonitored and unsecured IoT devices on a system’s cybersecurity, and why is it one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges across ASEAN?
2. Why do the majority of ASEAN organisations (82%) see value in having a common team that looks after IT and OT infrastructure and systems? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
3. What factors are driving organisations’ focus on securing IoT/OT in their future cybersecurity strategies?
4. What are the specific cybersecurity concerns related to 5G-connected IoT devices, and how do organisations plan to address them?
5. What steps should organisations take to mitigate cybersecurity risks related to OT? Who should get involved?
6. Coming into 2024, more devices and sensors will get added into the enterprises. What is your advise for operations, IT and leadership to better improve the overall organisational security posture?