PodChats for FutureCOO: Calling women to participate in Asia's tech sector
International Women's Day (IWD) is a global event aiming to recognise women's achievements, raise awareness about gender equality and promote women's empowerment. It serves as a crucial platform for activism, highlighting enduring gender disparities and advocating for equality.
In what is now a tradition at Cxociety, we begin this year’s series with a dialogue with Wendy Lee, senior director at SS&C Blue Prism to get her perspective on women participation in the technology sector in Asia and how the IWD’s 2025 theme of "Accelerate Action" addresses the challenges and opportunities for women in Asia’s burgeoning tech space.
1. Professionally, you’ve been in the technology sector for much of your career. Is this an active decision on your part?
2. You have been in tech marketing for some time now, can you share some interesting lessons in your journey?
3. In the context of women as active participants and leaders in Asia’s technology sector, how would you describe the progress so far?
4. What are some effective ways for women in tech to network and build professional relationships that can help them access leadership roles in the industry?
5. What is your view on mentorship? What has worked and needs more work in this area?
6. What role do initiatives like the SG100 Women in Tech play in inspiring and empowering women to pursue careers in technology, and how can similar programs be replicated across Asia?
7. Aspirations aside, what are the key challenges women face when leading marketing efforts for global tech/AI firms in Asia, and how can they overcome these obstacles to achieve success?
8. IWD’s 2025 theme of "Accelerate Action" is a call to action to accelerate participation by women in leading the charge. What is your advice for women who want to pursue a career in tech?